Oct. 8, 2021
Not Your Mother's Plots Next Growth Phase

October 8, 2021 /WWD/ — Keeping up with sales swells can pose business challenges, but hair care company Not Your Mother's, is counting on something less tangible than new categories and segments to boost growth.
The brand, which purports to be the largest independent hair care brand sold on the mass market, is rethinking how it teaches consumers about its value proposition in order to keep pace with its own steep growth trajectory.
"Our brand awareness is still relatively low as fast as we've grown, and that we know the only way it can go is up," said Bethany Pagliarulo, founder of Not Your Mother's.
Not Your Mother's is introducing its first media campaign this week, and is plotting a rebrand, too, to reignite consumer interest ahead of a robust launch calendar for 2022.
"We're revamping our website and visual identity for the brand to stay relevant and up-to-date with consumers," elaborated Nelson Miranda, chief executive officer of Not Your Mother's. "We did disrupt categories in the hair benefits space, and we also have a new one launching in January of this year."
Executives declined to comment on sales, although industry sources said the brand should hit $150 million in retail sales in 2022.
The brand, which was founded almost 11 years ago, banked on the white space in the market for hair care marketed to younger consumers. "Quite frankly, the saying 'overnight success' doesn't apply to us," Pagliarulo said. "We realized there was a hole in the market in hair care for the tween to college-age customer. They wanted effective and inexpensive products. Now, we've grown that category, we've grown that customer, and that customer has grown up with us."
The brand's bright packaging and nomenclature help it stand out on shelves - "The colors are vibrant and attention-getting, but it does start with thinking back to listening to the consumer and entering categories and benefits spaces that they're really passionate about," Pagliarulo said - but Not Your Mother's is betting on its web redesign to keep its foothold in the digital realm.
"Our brand naturally skews digitally, but we still believe we have a lot of room to grow. There's a lot of changes that are happening in the digital world," Miranda said.
The brand, which was an early arriver to the dry shampoo craze, is hoping to forecast other niche segments in the market for growth.
"Our brand started with understanding where there is a real passion point with the consumer that we serve," Pagliarulo said. "We actually started 29 years ago distributing hair care and beauty products, and 11 years ago was when we were discussing where we wanted to go and what we wanted to do."
"We see opportunities within our lines for the customer that we need to address at the same time. We all want our hair to look good, so we're always looking outside our segments, such as in the professional market," Miranda added. "[Pagliarulo] has always had this knack of entering areas where the consumer is engaged. We want to continue to be an inclusive brand, and there are new benefits that we believe have an opportunity to be disrupted."